Here's how to fry any fish! Moderately salty, does not burn, and crust crunches.

  1. How to fry fish? It doesn’t matter where you usually take the fish: catch it yourself or bring it...
  2. Grilled fish

How to fry fish?

It doesn’t matter where you usually take the fish: catch it yourself or bring it from the market. Almost any fish turns out tasty if to fry it. But you need to be able to fry fish.

Fry the fish in the pan

Fry the fish in the pan

After you have chosen the right fish, it should be cleaned and gutted. It is not difficult, but requires caution if the fins of fish are spiky. Also, be careful when pulling out the insides to avoid damaging the gallbladder. Otherwise the fish meat will become bitter. The head of the fish for frying is not needed, so it is usually cut off and used for cooking fish broth. And the rest of the carcass is washed and sprinkled with salt at least ten minutes before frying so that the meat of the fish soaks up the salt. However, this is not critical, and salt can be salted in the process of de-milling in flour.

Frying fish is always better in breading flour, otherwise crunchy crispy crust will not work, and the fish will stick to the pan tightly, no matter how much oil you pour. Flour is poured into a large bowl, and pieces of fish crumble in it from all sides. Some clever housewives pour flour in a plastic bag, and one by one they put the pieces of fish there. So the fish will be breaded in flour, and the kitchen will remain clean.

The pieces of fish must not be too thick, otherwise the fish in the middle will not be fried, and it will burn out outside. Small fish do not need to cut - it is fried completely. It is possible to breach in a different way: first dip a piece of fish into the egg mixture (beaten egg and a couple of spoons of milk), and only then roll it in flour.

Covered pieces of fish are placed in a heated frying pan, in which refined vegetable oil is preferably poured. It is not necessary to regret oil: it is best if the fish is submerged in it up to half. Butter can be mixed with cream or ghee. The main thing is to warm the oil well, then the fish will be “sealed” with the fried crust and will not absorb excess fat. Fry should be 5-7 minutes on each side.

It is very important not to disturb the fish until it has a strong, crisp crust from below, otherwise the piece will simply lose its shape. Cover the pan with a lid should not be, because our goal - fried, not fish stew. Serve fish to the table from the heat, from the heat, otherwise it will cool down, soak in fat and become completely not so tasty. Ordinary mashed potatoes, and pasta, or just a couple of lemon slices can serve as a garnish for fried fish.

Grilled fish

Grilled fish

Fish can be fried not only in the pan, but also on the grill. Especially this method is good for fatty fish, which in the pan usually turns into shapeless unattractive chunks. The main problem that worries those who wish to try grilled fish is the fish sticking to the grill during frying. As a result, when trying to separate pieces of fish from this grid, they break and hopelessly spoil the mood of the cook. Only one way out: clean the grill to shine and lubricate it well.

The fish for the grill is cleaned in the same way as usual, very large pieces are incised so that the skin that is tightened does not deform the whole piece. You can fill the fish with herbs or lemon slices. On top of the fish rubbed with oil and salt with pepper. The prepared fish is placed on the grill over a well-smoked grill and roasted for about 10 minutes on each side. If the pieces are very thick, frying time is increased.

If you are still afraid not to cope with the sticking grid, wrap the pieces of fish in foil: the fish will still be very tasty.

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How to fry fish?